Kira Od
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Here are links to the websites of some extremely talented individuals who are important to me for who they are and what they do.

Jesse Garcia by Louis LaSalle Louis LaSalle

Fine Art Photographer

Sunnyvale, California

MODEL: Jesse Garcia

Paul Beckett Paul Beckett

Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales

Douglas, Isle of Man

Human Rights Activist

Nina Jablonski Nina G. Jablonski

Professor and Head of the Dept of Anthropology, Penn State University

University Park, Pennsylvania

Physical Anthropologist

YOU CAN FIND, HORSE: From Noble Steeds to Beasts of Burden , by Lorraine Harrison, (ISBN 0-8230-2334-6), on Amazon. It features one of my bronze sculptures...I'll let you guess which one.

Horse Book

YOU CAN ALSO FIND, SEX: Portraits of Passion , by John Williams, (ISBN 0-8230-4784-9), on Amazon. It features two of my bronze sculptures.

Sex Book